

Saturday, 28 January 2012

About 300 'Occupy' protesters arrested by okland police

One of the most turbulent days of protests since November, when the police dismantled the Oakland force camp territory. He urged the wrath of Mayor Jean Quan, who faced heavy criticism for the police action last fall, and the occupation of a movement to "leave their court and Oakland."
Authorities said protesters clashed with police throughout the day, and sometimes throwing stones, bottles and other things in the office. There were many protests throughout the day, with estimated 2000 demonstrators in the streets at one point.
Other: full coverage of the country occupies protests
Photos: protests against the Wall Street
National Movement occupies Wall Street, which denounced the economic inequality and surplus companies, began in New York City in the fall, but may significantly active in recent times.
Auckland and New York and Los Angeles are among the largest cities that protests and the occupation of most of the vocal from the start. And rejected the protests after the cities in the use of force for the transfer of hundreds of protesters who have set up tents.
In Oakland, police received severe criticism for the use of force to break the previous protests. Among the critics of Mayor Jean Quan, who said he was not informed about the plans of the department. Earlier this month, court-appointed monitor and report to the federal judge involved "serious concerns" about the administration section dealing with the protests.
Most of the arrests and arrived in Auckland about 8 pm, when police took dozens of protesters into custody as they marched through the city center, with some entering the building the YMCA, police spokesman Jeff Thomason said.
Arrested other protesters in the early afternoon after police said they threw stones, bottles and other objects at officers and tore down the walls.
At the same time that the police were taking people to the prison near the YMCA, about 100 police officers surrounded the municipal building, while others swept the building looking for demonstrators who stormed the building, then ran outside the building with American flags before officers arrived.
Quan said that at one time, broke into many of the city hall, where flags were burned and broke into the electrical box and many of the damaged structures of the art, including the establishment of an exhibition of recycled art by children.
And has also sent more than others from helping law enforcement agencies to Auckland, with buses carrying members of the Alameda County Sheriff's up to the downtown area Saturday night.
The director of the city of Diana Santana demonstrators threw bottles with officials, and metal pipes, rocks and burning flares and police responded with the spread of smoke and tear gas shells and bean bag.
Police said the group had met on the morning of Saturday, the center of the square, protesters threaten to take over the vacant Henry J. Kaiser Convention Center. The group then marched in the streets, disrupting traffic.
The crowd grew as the day wears on, with estimates ranging from about 1000 pm to 2000 people.
Police said the demonstrators marched to the vacancy of the conference center, where some began to demolish the perimeter fence and the "destruction of building materials" shortly before 03:00.
Police said they issued an order to disperse and used tear gas and smoke after protesters pelted them with bottles, stones and bombs and other things from burning.
Police said most of the arrests were made when protesters ignored orders to leave and attacked the officers. 4 pm, the bulk of the crowd went to the conference center and returned to the center.
The protest came after the occupation of the protesters said this week that he planned to move to an empty building and turn it into a center of social and political. Also threatened in an attempt to close the port and the airport and take control of the city.
In a statement issued Friday, said Santana would not be in the city, "intimidated by threats of violence or illegal activities."
Interim Police Chief Howard Jordan warned that the arrest of the officers to carry out illegal.

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