

Friday, 27 January 2012

Saul Alinsky: What is it and are talking about Newt Gingrich

When Newt Gingrich speaks these days, it is almost certain to hear mention of three names: Mitt Romney, Barack Obama and Saul Alinsky.

If you're wondering what Saul Alinsky, and you are not alone. It is not a candidate for president. In fact, he had died, and was nearly 40 years.

I was born in 1909 Alinsky died when Barack Obama was only 10 years old. However, Gingrich takes every opportunity to link the Alinsky president, two of whom Gingrich during a visit to St. Petersburg on Tuesday.

"It is a big government," said Gingrich Obama. "The vision of radical Saul Alinsky to the future of America."

Then later, he asked the public ", and I think Saul Alinsky knew America better than the founding fathers?"
However, if you ask people who was Saul Alinsky, which is hardly a household name. So who was it?

Like Barack Obama, Alinsky was a community organizer in Chicago. His book "rules for radicals" and adopted by the grassroots organizations of their methods, but not always their policy.

Alinsky was known for the mobilization of the poor, minorities, and get them to the polls.

"I'm not sure why you think that someone is bad, unless you're one of those with power do not want to give him," said Professor Michael Gibbons political USF.

Gibbons says that the name of Alinsky and discussed over and over again, and hopes Gingrich, perhaps, in an attempt to make the Alinsky rhetoric. Was of the same type of stone in the shoe Obama during the election campaign in 2008, when allied with ACORN and Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

"I think what Gingrich is saying is that nobody knows who he is," said Gibbons.

But the ideals Alinksy resonates with people in different parts of the political spectrum. Occupies the conservative movement and so strong in the Tea Party adopted the tactics of the organization.

In fact, anyone who feels that his voice has no chance of hearing through the power and influence of big money can be related to Alinsky.

Ironically, it is a popular concept embraced Newt Gingrich Tuesday, even when it seems Alinsky defame the name. "Governor Romney will be more money than me, but we will have more people who will, and this is exactly what happened in South Carolina, people gain the power of money all the time," said supporters in the crowd applauded.

"That's almost a quote from Saul Alinsky," said Gibbons. "In fact, if I were to write this and put it in quotes and note that it is likely to be subject to issues of plagiarism."

Gibbons says Professor Gingrich You can take a small risk of calling the name of Alinsky, and there are a lot of people out there these days, he says, you agree entirely with his political philosophy.

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