

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Twitter accurately predict the Roman victory in the primaries in New Hampshire

Mitt Romney won the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, in line with the prediction that Twitter former governor of Massachusetts will be the Republican winner.

Mashable recently reached Globalpoint research to analyze the sense of Twitter with respect to the initial results and gave Romney a slight advantage in recent polls.

Research company - which uses a weighted average that combines measurements of the volume of tweets and retweets detailed sense - Romney and found that not only feature, and the second to be a close call between Ron Paul, John Huntsman, and Rick Santorum.

Romney in first place with 37% of the vote, followed by Paul (23%), Huntsman (17 percent), Gingrich (10%), Santorum (10%) and Texas Gov. Rick Perry (1%).

Romney became the first candidate to win the Republican's first two games since 1976.

Last week, he was asked whether the research Globalpoint Mashable Twitter can predict the caucus in Iowa, and although the results were not ideal, and called for a much stronger showing by the former Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania said the national elections. After the caucus in Iowa the closest in American history, and Santorum lost a very small margin.

The concept of Twitter to predict the Republican presidential race is not necessarily new. In fact, according to a study released in November 2011, what is the best candidate in the elections when politicians gain more followers on Twitter. National surveys is happening all the time but it is possible to predict when some of the candidates to reach the rank based on a rate to meet them.

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