

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Comment "Etch and drawing" creates further doubt on Romney

As from a Republican nomination, Mitt Romney, the candidate faces new questions about their commitment to the fundamental principles of the party after a top aide to slip and television critics inflate the charges as a political lever.

The former governor of Massachusetts is at hand to get approval of his party - well ahead of its rivals in the conference delegates, and opinion polls and campaign cash after the last primary victory in the Illinois. However, it was thrown on the defensive yesterday when an adviser to his campaign for a long time compared with Etch a draw, a game that can be shaken to remove standing on its surface.

This issue arose when he asked an assistant, Eric Fehrnstrom, on CNN if he was worried that you may have Romney by his Republican opponents to take extreme positions during the primaries that could alienate moderates in the race President Barack Obama.

"I think you hit the reset button for the fall campaign," said Fehrnstrom. Everything is changing. "It's almost like a drawing Etch. You can kind of shake it up and start again."

The statements would otherwise have ruined what was once triumphant for Romney, 65, fresh from the victory of Illinois on March 20. He received the support of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who was often mentioned as participants in the Republican race late is possible if the party refused to take Romney.

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